For over 100 years, the Assemblies of God has been committed to the ‘greatest movement of evangelism the world has ever seen.’ Since the early 20th Century, 100’s of thousands of ministers and missionaries have planted churches in the U.S. and been sent from our movement to all nations of the earth.
Today there are over 12,000 churches in the U.S. with over 3 million members and adherents. There are more than 67 million Assemblies of God members in over 212 nations worldwide, making the Assemblies of God the world’s largest Pentecostal denomination.
Over the last 100 years we have learned a lot about missions, both at home and abroad, and are strategically positioned to train up the next generation of global missionary leaders. As an Engage student you will have the opportunity to not only glean from decades of field expertise gained by our career ministers and missionaries, but also to stand on over 100 years of effective missional effort that has greatly impacted the United States and countless nations around the world.
By spending 1-2 years on the field with Engage, you will know what it means to live missionally, and serve in your field of interest. Many students sense the call of God on their life. We believe the best way to clarify that call is to go and do the work of that calling. Time and time again, Engage students complete our program and move forward with a clear sense of the call God has placed on their lives.
Will you join the movement?