Lantern and Compass Project
Latern and Compass Project is an opportunity for college age students to serve in Maryland alongside AG U.S. Missionaries Terry and Rusty Williams. This non-profit organization reaches not only people in Maryland but also Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and District of Columbia. Students will be involved in four cardinal directions: Teams / Unleashed Kid University / Camps / Homes of Hope Outreach. Each direction provides different opportunities to learn and build in the areas of team communication, community service, creative arts and evangelism. Students will be using these skills in church development, after school programs, adventure camps, community outreaches and team building opportunities. Where ministry happens is limited only to the borders of the United States. Terry and Rusty have led teams into Arizona, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Virginia and West Virginia where they have provided various types of summer camps, street ministry and outreaches.
Service Opportunities – Students spend 15-25 hours weekly in service through different types of Camps, Special Needs Ministry, Community Outreach, After School Programs and Supporting Local Churches.
Light & Direction – casting light and giving direction as people meet, love and share God while serving others.
Lantern and Compass Project Application