Providing a path for college age students to discover and clarify their destiny in an outward focused environment while earning a degree.
Engage Your World
Spend a semester immersed in missions at an Engage site around the world or in the U.S. while continuing your studies online through a college of your choice. This is a great way to learn language, culture and ministry.
Engage Your Year
Spend one to two years on the field with Engage and know what it means to live missionally. Serve in your field of interest while earning a degree. Many students sense the call of God on their life. We believe the best way to clarify that call is to go and do the work of that calling.
Engage Your Summer
The Summer Internship is perfect for students who are looking to make their summer count and get an introduction to what living outwardly focused is all about.

“Before Engage, I thought missions was only for the Bible major – the individual who spent more time preparing sermons than creating spreadsheets and flow charts. I thought my passion for business meant that I’m not fit for missions. However, after spending 8 weeks watching business-minded individuals pour their blood, sweat, and tears, into missions, I have walked away with a changed perspective. Missions isn’t just for the Bible major. Missions is for the individual who desires to share the message of Christ’s love to people of all races, religions, and cultural backgrounds.”
Allison Newport – Engage Panama
“My experience in the Dominican Republic as a part of the Engage program was so great, though at times it was very hard. I made so many amazing new friends that I know I will have for life. This experience really changed me as a person and helped me to discover more of the gifts God has given me, and how He wants to use me to share His love and good news. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have lived in the DR for four months, and experience the culture, and grow so much more in my faith.”
Talia Chermak – Engage Dominican Republic
“So many people fall into the trap of settling where they become ok with completing little meaningless tasks. It is especially easy for college students to settle. They see their Christian University and are comfortable where they are. There is no need to step out of this bubble. However, when we let go of our fears and our comfortability, God can do amazing things.”
Victoria Grosvenor – Engage Czech Republic