Engage Congo
Engage Congo is located in Lubumbashi, a city of three million inhabitants, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Site Directors, Bill and Sonia Shaw are 31-year veteran missionaries in Africa. With Engage Congo, students take the next step in their journey, and learn what it takes to live in a cross-cultural environment. Students continue college courses online, learn a foreign language-French, follow a plan of personal spiritual formation, and develop a personal ministry platform with the missionary team. Students learn what best practices are in an African setting and begin to see how God can use their skills, gifts, and personal ministry.
“Our vision in the DRC is to come alongside our Congolese colleagues to develop viable ministries that contribute to the long-term success of local churches.” – Bill and Sonia Shaw
Service Opportunities
Engage Students Spend 5-10 Hours
Weekly in Service through:
working with at-risk children, university campus outreach, youth ministry, primary and secondary school teaching internships, teaching English as a second language and music
Engage Congo Date and Cost
September 2020
Engage Congo has a 6 month minimum term requirement
Six Months $5,520
Additional months cost $920 per month
Engage Fees Cover the Following: housing with utilities, meals, required medical insurance, internet access, language classes, local transportation, residence visa, pre-paid cell phone credits, and ministry travel excursions.
Engage Fees Do Not Cover: airfare to and from the site, personal pocket money, personal travel before, during, or after the Engage program, and personal toiletries and entertainment. Students will individually purchase plane tickets, however, the Site Directors will provide instruction and guidance in purchasing tickets.
Please Note: Engage fees do not cover student’s university fees and tuition.